Count The Number Of Occurrences In Python List

Count The Number Of Occurrences In Python List

Published on September 24 2021

In this tutorial, you will learn a python program to count the number of occurrence in a list. We will do so by searching a element in a list using for loop in python and returning total count from the function.

Source code

list = [7,2,3,4,1,15,3]
Search = 3

def searchOccurance(list, number):
    count = 0
    for i in list:
        if(i == number):
    return count

result = searchOccurance(list, Search)
if(result > 0):
    print('Count is : ', result)
    print('Element not fount in the list.')

print('using Inbuilt function : ', list.count(Search))



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