Is Python Compiled Or Interpreted Language?

Is Python Compiled Or Interpreted Language?

Published on October 09 2023

In this tutorial, we will learn about Python compilation and interpretation. We will also understand whether is python a compiled or interpreted language in detail. This tutorial is part of Python's top 25 most commonly asked interview questions.


  • Interpreted or compiled is not a property of the language but a property of the implementation. (CPython, Jython, etc.)


  • converts the high-level language to machine code before execution
  • Then execution happens at the next stage (two-stage process)
  • faster and more efficient to execute than interpreted languages as it is already converted.
  • Rebuild is required every time you make a change.


  • Interpreters run through a program line by line, convert it to machine code, and execute each command (on the go).
  • slower than compiled languages as both happen in one step.
  • E.g. Python, PHP, Ruby.

Is Python Compiled or Interpreted?

  • Officially - Python is an interpreted, object-oriented, high-level programming language with dynamic semantics.
  • Technically, Python is compiled to bytecode and then interpreted in a virtual machine.
  • compilation happens behind the scenes (CPython)
  • Generally, we call as interpreted.
  • Please refer to the stackover blog.

To know about it, please refer to the official documentation website - official website.